Pioneer Chapter Riders Club Meeting
At AZ Bike Week

Chuck Barsness brought the meeting to order and recorded minutes.

Membership Report-
Dues for 2015 are $25. John Jones - Dues for 2015 are $25. Send your 2015 dues to John Jones - 301 N Main St, Le Sueur, MN 56058-4361 or go online to You can contact John at 4062. We will decide early in 2015 what the new gift will be. If you have ideas please let us know.
Treasurers Report-
Pauk Michels
Old Business
No old business.
New Business -
- - More riding/activities other than just the Annual Rally during 2015. Ride to Huron for a meeting? Ride to Brainerd for a meeting? Possibly go to Jamie Jone’s for the 2016 Memorial Day get-together?
Phoenix Bike Week - We had 6 members and two Harley friends got to Phoenix. Paul Michels hauled 5 Super Xs and 1 Harley and Rick Fries hauled 1 Super X and 1 Harley to the Holiday Inn Express Scottsdale North arriving in Phoenix Sunday. Lorn Herrmann, Adam Herrmann, Doug Bruns, and Chuck Barsness flew down arriving Monday. Monday Paul and Rick and the 2 Harley riders went for a ride. Teri Peterson picked Doug and Chuck at the airport on Monday. It was great seeing her again. She is doing fine. Tuesday Grant Harsin led us on a 250 mile ride into the mountains. Wednesday Chuck and Doug went for a ride and the others went to the Rally. Thursday Dave Hanlon joined us for social and riding activities. Friday the bikes left and Lorn and Adam flew back. Friday Doug and Chuck went to a couple dealers and to Westgate for the non-Harley part of the Rally. Saturday Doug and Chuck met Grant and Teri Fournier-Harsin for lunch before heading home.The temps were in the 90s during the day! A great time was had by all.
2015 Rally-
- 2015 Rally will be held from Wednesday 08Jul2015 to Sunday 12Jul2015. Brian Ber-how from North Star Power Sports in Albert Lea has invited us back so we’ll plan on Wednesday night July 8th at Americas Best Value Inn in Albert Lea (507-373-6471) rooms are blocked for the PCRC Riders Club. The rate will be $79 + tax if you make your reservation before May 12th. After that it will go up to their regular rates. We’re planning the next night in Savanna IL July 9th the L & M Motel (815-273-7728) where rooms are blocked for the PCRC Riders Club. Rooms Singles $90.00 and Doubles $100.00 tax included. Bonfire in evening at Motel for the group. Canopy parking for the bikes, shuttle to Poopys & downtown included (Tips are required!!!!!). Friday July 10th we're planning to stop at the Anamosa National Motorcycle Museum. Both Friday July 10th and Saturday July 11th will be back at Americas Best Value Inn in Albert Lea (507-373-6471) rooms are blocked for the PCRC Riders Club. The rate will be $79 + tax if you make your reservation before May 12th. We will have discussion about Rally shirts at the April meeting. It was decided to make our pins for this year “2015 PCRC Rally” instead of “2015 Super X Rally” so not to have any conflict with Dan Hanlon. The pins are being ordered. Volunteers are needed to help organize rides etc.
Trade Mark Issues
No response to date.
March is election of officers and Lorn Herrmann was reelected as Assistant Director and Paul Michels was reelected as Treasurer.
New Website- Detials will be figured out prior to Bike week so the site can be up and running.
New PayPal on Website- Adam to change.
This Club may be dissolved in accordance with law. Any assets remaining after payment of costs and expenses of the dissolution proceedings, payment of debts, obligations and liabilities of the Club shall be distributed to the Anamosa IA National Motorcycle Museum - 102 Chamber Drive, PO Box 405, Anamosa, IA 52205 - Phone: 319-462-3925 E-mail: - to help establish and/or maintain or improve a Pioneer Chapter Riders Club and Excelsior-Henderson® motorcycle exhibit.
Next Meetings
Next Meeting - The April meeting will be held at Lorn Herrmann’s on Sunday April 26th at noon.
Pioneer Chapter Owned Super X Tools - Buck Bailey has the Pioneer Chapter owned tools and now has the Time-Sert front and back drain plug repair kits available.  There will be a nominal cost for the inserts.  Just contact Buck at or 612-860-7278 as they are available for use by any of our members.

- If you have a new E-Mail address, new mailing address, or phone number changes please forward them to me.

Thanks to all our members for the support.

These minutes were recorded by Adam Herrmann.

Adam Herrmann
Pioneer Chapter Secretary