Pioneer Chapter Riders Club Meeting
At the Lorn Herrmann’s house at 908 Horizon Circle, Belle Plaine

Chuck Barsness brought the meeting to order and recorded minutes.
Membership Report-
Dues for 2014 are $25. Send your 2014 dues to Paul Michels - 41627 Ottawa Road - St Peter  MN 56082.  You can contact Paul at or 507-340-3095.  If you send a check make it out to the Pioneer Chapter Riders Club.  The 2014 Membership Gift is a 15 year Pioneer Chapter pin.
Treasurers Report-
No Changes.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business -
The Group discussed further on having more riding/activities other than just the Annual Rally during 2014.
Phoenix Bike Week - Departing 22Mar2015 returning 30Mar2015. Paul has been in contact with Dave and Jennie Hanlon. We are planning on staying at the Holi-day Inn Express Scottsdale North - 7350 East Gold Dust Ave Scottsdale AZ 877-318-5892 - $215 including tax. We’re planning to arrive Monday 23Mar and de-part Friday 27Mar2015. So far nine people have indicated interest. Paul M, Lorn H, Joe H, Rick F, Adam H, Gary T, Doug B, Virgil G, and Chuck B. Doug B and Virgil G are planning on flying down. Paul can haul 6 possibly 7 bikes and Rick can haul 4 I believe.
2015 Rally-
2015 Rally will be held from Wednesday 08Jul2015 to Sunday 12Jul2015. New rides 150 miles or less a day. Possibly three nights in Winona. Brian Berhow from North Star Power Sports in Albert Lea has invited us back on Wednesday again next year. Volunteers needed to organize rides and other associated activ-ities.
Holiday Party-
Saturday 14Feb2015 - dinner in the evening will be provided by PCRC to all members of record then - Contact Jackpot Junction at 507-697-8000. There are a limited number of rooms available. There are no blocked rooms. 24hr cancellation.
Trade Mark Issues
No response to date.
Next Meetings
The November meeting will be held at the Lorn Herrmann’s House at 908 Horizon Circle, Belle Plaine on Sunday November 23rd at Noon.
Misc -
Pioneer Chapter Owned Super X Tools - Buck Bailey has the Pioneer Chapter owned tools and now has the Time-Sert front and back drain plug repair kits available.  There will be a nominal cost for the inserts.  Just contact Buck at or 612-860-7278 as they are available for use by any of our members.

- If you have a new E-Mail address, new mailing address, or phone number changes please forward them to me.

Thanks to all our members for the support.

These minutes were recorded by Adam Herrmann.
Adam Herrmann
Pioneer Chapter Secretary