Pioneer Chapter Home

Join or Renew Your Membership

Join or Renew via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, eCheck, or your PayPal account. We use the services of PayPal to provide you with a secure, well-known, and convenient way to join or renew your membership.

 Visa  Mastercard  Discover  American Express  eCheck 

Follow these steps to join or renew:

1. Fill in your contact information:

First Name
Last Name
Address 2 (optional)
ZIP Code
Home Phone
Work Phone (optional)
Cell Phone (optional)
Email Address
Last four digits of your bike's VIN number (if you own more than one bike, separate the VINs by commas)

2. Click the "Continue to Payment Center" link below.

You'll be sent to PayPal to fill in your credit card or PayPal information. You can set up a PayPal account if you'd like...but this is purely optional. PayPal account or not, if your card goes through, you're a member.

Continue to Payment Center